Done is the NEW Perfect!!

Done is the new perfect!! How’s that for a stress reducer?!

Done is the New Perfect
Today, I want to talk about the hang up so many of us get and that is waiting until the timing is just right before we start something or take on a new adventure. Guilty, right here!  Every find yourself reading, thinking, planning, etc….and then realizing your have spent so much time preparing, you haven’t actually made the leap yet? It is  so normal to become crazily involved with the whole planning process and then stop and realize, uhhhh, I just need to get out there and DO IT! That is truly the only way to learn – jump in, try something, apply what you learn and go at it again, improving all of the time. Timing is NEVER going to be just right, there is always going to be something that pops up, this is called life. 😉 Not being cheeky here, but we set such high standards for ourselves that it ends up hurting us in the end instead of enriching our lives. Why? Because we don’t want to fail. Of course not, who enjoys the feeling of failure, but here’s the cool thing, how about we take the pressure of getting it (whatever that “it” is) 100% right the first attempt and instead, be 100% content with the fact that you got out there, you did it, boom! Done is the new perfect, be happy with that and take the pressure off! You will find that you will be happier with your accomplishment, more confident in yourself and proud that you didn’t let anyone or anything stop you from taking the first step. Think about it this way – have you ever waited in line for a roller coaster and felt the anticipation, excitement & butterflies build in your stomach? Now, think about how you immediately feel after the ride, excited, accomplished and so worth it!

Remember, it is not you who fails. Humans can’t fail, it is just the process that needs adjusted and the only way to learn how to do that is to start trying!

Make it a great day, my friends!


~ Renee

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